Capital-Ready Women
Lift Off Level
Resources, support & connections for the funding you need

The Lift Off Level is right for you if:
Your Fundability Score is 66 or above
Your business is doing well and you're ready for the next level of growth
You are ready to focus on finding your funding options
You are just about ready to start talking to funders.
Let's get you fully prepared and make some introductions.
The guidance, support, connections and resources you'll find in the Lift Off Level will prepare you for productive conversations with potential funders. Plus, we'll even facilitate those conversations.

I think I need this...tell me more!
By the end of this 12-week "done together" program you will have your customized Funding Success Blueprint, including:
Funding Submission Packet
You'll have assembled the primary documents funders need.
Business Model Canvas
This overview of your entire business provides funders a lot of information they need.
Facilitated conversations with funders
You'll meet with at least 3 potential funders to discuss your business.
Expert-reviewed financials
Your budget and financial projections will be vetted and ready to show to funders.
Strong business narrative
We will co-write the story of your business so funders can see your passion.
Ala carte menu of growth-focused services
From pitch coaching to money mastery, you choose the ones you want from our list, all provided by vetted subject matter experts.
We can help make this happen for you.

We've helped more than 4,000 women start and grow their businesses and talked with more than 2 dozen funders who want to work with businesses like yours. We can get you ready and then make the introductions you need.
What is a "done together" program?
The Lift Off Level is not a self-guided program that leaves you to figure everything out by yourself..
Our "done together" approach means you’ll work hand-in-hand with our team to maintain focus and co-create the key components of your Funding Submission Packet.
Our Community Manager, Kourtney, will guide you through the program modules, connecting you with the people and resources you need at each stage.
You will also work directly with Jasmine to refine your business narrative and with Jill to prepare you for funder meetings, pre-select at least 3 potential funders and be there during the introductory meetings. So the pressure will be off and we will be with you all the way.
Partnering with us will provide you with the tools, guidance, support and connections you need to get the funding you need to turn your business dreams into reality.

Are you ready to Lift Off?
Resources, support and funder introductions. That's the essence of Lift Off.
Are you ready to get started?
We can't wait to help you take your business to the next level!
Success Story
Mavis Linnemann-Clark is the owner of Delish Dish, a catering business that she grew from a side hustle into a million dollar business.

Mavis Linnemann-Clark, Owner of Delish Dish

What's inside Lift Off?
Our Community Manager, Kourtney, will guide you through the modules so you stay focused and on track to be ready for the funder conversations in Module 6.
Module 1: Financial Review
We'll pair you with an expert to review your financial projections and work with you to ensure they are realistic and in a funder-friendly format.
Module 2: Your Narrative
Using our template, you'll write the story of your business. Then you'll work one-on-one with Jasmine to refine it so it showcases what you do and why you do it. Potential funders will be able to understand your passion and your business goals.
Module 3: Business Model Canvas
You'll use a template to create your own Business Model Canvas, which provides potential funders with a comprehensive overview of your business.
Module 4: Growth-Focused Services
We have a robust menu of ala carte services provided by experts, all designed to grow your business. You get 500 CRW Credits to spend on whichever you want. Kourtney will connect you with the providers and you'll work directly with them.
Module 5: Your Funding Submission Packet
You will work with Kourtney and Jill to assemble all the primary documents you'll need for the Funding Submission Packet you will give to potential funders.
Module 6: Facilitated Funder Conversations
Jill will pre-select at least 3 funders that would be a good fit for your business. Then you and Jill will have Zoom meetings with each one.
These will be LOW-PRESSURE conversations for you and the funders to talk about your business and decide if you want to work together.
As you can see, we work alongside you every step of the way to get you the funding you need to grow.
Are you ready to get started?
You can do this--and you don't have to do it alone!

Lift Off comes with...
Personal coaching and guidance through the program (more than 10 hours)
to give you customized resources and keep you on track and moving forward
If you had to pay separately: $750 (based on $75/hr coaching)
Financial review
by experts, who will work with you to ensure that your budget and financial projections are realistic and in the correct format
If you had to pay separately: $300
Growth-focused services of your choosing
to help you with your pitch, money management, business processes, sales strategies and more [learn more]
If you had to pay separately: $700
Customized Funding Submission Packet
that we help you create
If you had to pay separately: $500 or more
Friendly, facilitated conversations with vetted funders
in a low-pressure environment intended to lead to funding for your business [learn more]
Value: priceless
Templates, videos and step-by-step instructions
to prevent overwhelm and confusion
If you had to pay separately: $100
All Aviatra alumni benefits
including weekly Q&A, private Facebook community, free admission to select events and more
If you had to pay separately: $200 or more
Total cost if you bought everything separately: over $2,500
Menu of Growth-Focused Services
With Lift Off, you get 500 Capital-Ready Women (CRW) Credits to spend on any combination of the following expert-provided services:
Pitch Coaching with Carly Middleton and Jeff Verrone of Enpower Now
200 CRW Credits (retail price $300)
Carly and Jeff are eager to help you elevate your pitching and presenting skills. Through two Zoom coaching sessions, you'll receive personalized feedback on how to best tailor your pitch for investors in your space. Whether it's overcoming public speaking anxiety, developing your slide deck, or finalizing your "ask," you'll be sure to walk away from this custom coaching with confidence. Session 1 is designed to hear your current pitch and provide feedback, while Session 2 is designed to work through the implemented changes.
Process & Automation Consulting with Sonya Moore of Moore Planning & Consulting
200 CRW Credits (retail price $300)
Improve your efficiency and productivity with a 45-minute session with Sonya, who will help you develop, streamline and automate the repeatable processes in your business. This also includes a written Assessment Report, the recording of the session and a $100 discount to continue working with Sonya, to be used within 90 days of the consultation session.
Your Financial Landscape & Roadmap with Shaquille Riston of Riston Financial Service Group
200 CRW Credits (retail price $300)
During this consultation experience you will gain deeper insight into your current financial status and leave with a roadmap to a brighter financial future. You will assess your financial goals and priorities, understand your current challenges (budgeting, debt management, retirement strategies, insurance, estate planning) and co-create a financial landscape and tailored roadmap.
From Chaos to Control with Angie Dodge of A Squared Personal Consulting
200 CRW Credits (retail price $300)
Shifting your mindset can revolutionize your time management. If your business is chaotic and you feel like nothing is getting done let me share with you how I get it all done! I have 20+ years of C-Suite level administrative experience with a reputation that if you want something done, “Give it to Angie”! Let’s get it done together! This package includes a toolkit and 1 virtual 60-minute coaching session and 2 follow-up 30-minute sessions within 90 days to help you successfully kick off new habits.
HR Assessment with Jessica Wright of Wright Workforce Solutions
200 CRW Credits (retail price $300)
Ensure that your HR practices are effective and compliant with current law. Jessica will assess your HR policies, hiring practices and employee handbook and provide feedback and steps for improvement to hire, maintain and an effective team that aligns with your mission.
Accounting Assessment with Marci Hendershot of TAC Business Services
200 CRW Credits (retail price $300)
Clean up your accounting system and practices because you can't make decisions without accurate financials. This assessment includes recommendations for efficiency improvements, chart of accounts review and how to build and use your reports.
Money Mastery Digital Course with Bonita Palmer of BGP Group Action Coach
50 CRW Credits (retail price $100)
Clean up your accounting system and practices because you can't make decisions without accurate financials. This assessment includes recommendations for efficiency improvements, chart of accounts review and how to build and use your reports.
The Honest Sales Blueprint: Success without the Sleaze Digital Course with Jill Morenz of Aviatra Accelerators
50 CRW Credits (retail price $100)
Jill interviews experts and shares her own experiences for achieving sales success without resorting to sleazy tactics. This course provides actionable strategies for building trust, providing value, and creating a sales approach that feels honest and straightforward.
Success Story
Lisa Woodruff has a $1M organizing business, a podcast with more than 600 episodes and a thriving community.
Lisa Woodruff, Owner of Organize 365

No pressure...we have a
100% money back guarantee
Are you worried about making this financial commitment?
Be assured that we know what we are doing. We have helped nearly 500 women start and grow their businesses. We have the knowledge, experience and resources to help you, too.
We created Capital-Ready Women specifically to help women just like you understand how business financing works and get them ready to work with lenders and investors.
Our 7-day money back guarantee starts when you begin working with Kourtney. She will make sure you understand the flow of the program and how it will help you strengthen your business to become funder ready.
So don't worry. We really do have your back during this whole process.
To see our full guarantee policy, please click on "read more" below. To receive a refund, you must email admin@aviatra.org between purchasing the program and 7 days after you begin working with Kourtney.
You'll love our supportive, "done together" approach, where you'll never wonder what comes next.
Are you ready to work with us?
We are looking forward to helping you achieve new levels of success!

I have a few questions...
You've got questions? We've got answers.
What is the Fundability Assessment? A. The Fundability Assessment is a tool developed by Aviatra Accelerators, in consultation with our Capital Advisory Group, to evaluate a business’s readiness to successfully access capital in the form of investments or loans. It measures various aspects of your business, including your industry, experience, goals, financial health and personal character, to determine how attractive your business is to potential funders.
How long does this program last? A: Lift Off is a guided program that includes one-on-one coaching, work with subject matter experts and funder introductions. It typically takes 12 weeks to complete.
How did you select the content to include? A: We created the content to align with the elements of your Funding Submission Packet, as well as making your business strong, profitable and attractive to funders.
What is a Funding Submission Packet? A: This packet is what you will give to potential funders. It includes the primary information that they need so they can decide if they want to work with you.
Tell me more about the "facilitated conversations" with potential funders. A: We know that meeting with funders can be very stressful. We take away that stress by pre-selecting the funders that we feel will be a good fit for you. Then, you and Jill will meet with each funder for friendly, low-pressure conversations. If you and the funder want to move ahead, you can do so.
What if I already completed the Runway Level? How does that lead into the Lift Off Level? A: If you started with the Runway Level and are now profitable, you can retake the Fundability Assessment to see if you qualify for the Lift Off Level. Once you qualify, if you join the Lift Off Level within 18 months of joining the Runway Level, the price of Runway will be applied to Lift Off, saving you $500.

Still not 100% sure you're ready?
(But you really hope you are!)
You should give the Runway Level a 7-day, risk-free try if you relate to any of the following
You have grown your business as far as you can without outside funds
You want to prepare for productive funder meetings and appreciate introductions and support to reduce the pressure of these conversations.
You want guidance and one-on-one coaching and assistance
You know that working with the Aviatra team (and the other experts that are part of the program) will help you maintain focus and move you forward toward your goals.
You value expertise and want to leverage it to grow your business
You understand that working with experts shortens your learning curve and gets you results faster. You are ready to invest in help to take your business to the next level.